Monday 21 March 2011

A selection of World Down Syndrome Day media

Channel 10's The Circle featured an interview with Dr Jan Gothard and Justin Marshall, about Greater expectations, published today, to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day here in Australia.

A new photo montage from the UK to mark World Down Syndrome Day 2011, was compiled by Penny Green, Director of the Down's Heart Group

Julia Hassell and Keira Maher's love of dance is highlighted in this report from the Hills News

Not really about World Down Syndrome Day, but nice timing in the publication of this story and photo of Prince William meeting a young woman with Down syndrome in Grantham, Qld, from today's Courier Mail

So little and so huge - a blog post for World Down Syndrome Day, giving one grandmother's perspective on what a grandchild with Down syndrome has brought to her life.

And in case you haven't seen it, here is the link again to the Down Syndrome International video, Let Us In

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