Wednesday 20 April 2011

People with Disability: response to the draft report of the Inquiry into Disability Care and Support

Peak disability advocacy body, People With Disability has pubished a special issue of its E-Bulletin on the progress of the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Care and Support, including PWD's response to the draft report, and plans for participating in further developments.  PWD broadly supports the draft report, and explains its position on those points it challenges:

... It is not an exaggeration to say that the Productivity Commission’s Interim Report on disability care and support is the most important public document on Australian disability services for almost 30 years.

... PWD welcomes the Interim Report, and acknowledges the work that has been put in to ensure that the content of the public hearings and the 603 submissions made to the Productivity Commission in its consultation phase, has been included and reflected upon.  The timeframe for response to the Report is necessarily short, given the need to complete and distribute the Final Report.  But the discussion about how best to implement a new disability service system will continue beyond the timeframe of the enquiry and people who are committed to ensuring that we deliver a system that is effective and truly inclusive, are at least able to rely on the fact that we are referring now to a single document.
... Once the report is handed over to the Government that is the time when disability peak organisations need to establish and maintain a regular and constant dialogue, to ensure that the significant systems changes recommended are carried through.

Click hear to download and read the detailed PWD E-Bulletin special issue

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