Tuesday 26 April 2011

Right planet, right child: Beverley Beckham

Beverley Beckham is a well known Boston writer, who occasionally writes about her granddaughter, Lucy, who has Down syndrome.  In this column, she ponders life on earth and our concept of limitations .... and there is a lovely photo of Lucy with her grandfather, as a bonus:

..... Here on earth, we all depend on wheels. We don’t have wings — we can’t fly. This is our disability.

We accommodate this disability by using bicycles, cars, trains, and planes and, yes, these are clumsy, cumbersome things and, yes, we’d get places a lot faster if we could just spread our wings and fly.

But we don’t beat ourselves up over this. We don’t think of ourselves as imperfect because we can’t take flight.

But we would if everyone else could fly ....  read all of the article here.

Perhaps we could use this analogy any time we are told that accommodations/adaptations are too difficult/expensive/impose on others ....?

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