Wednesday 11 May 2011

Growing older with Down syndrome: for parents and family carers, 30th July 2011

Billy Schulz set a visual riddle for his blog readers to guess his age
(photo used with permission, © 2011 Mary de Wit, in2Wit, LLC)

Growing older with Down syndrome - an information/support event for parents and family carers of people with Down syndrome 35 years and over.  Families have raised these questions to be addressed:

How might growing older impact on our son or daughter?
What do we need to know?
What support might we need, and where will we fi nd it?
Just how common is dementia? What should we look for?

9.30 am - 2.00 pm,  Saturday 30th July 2011
(morning tea and lunch will be provided)

Rydges Hotel, 116-118 James Ruse Drive, ROSEHILL

There is no charge for this event, but booking is essential for catering.
Note: this is a repeat of the event held on 26th February at North Sydney

Contact Down Syndrome NSW on 9841 4411 or 9841 4407, or email for further information or to register.

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