Monday 30 May 2011

Is your son or daughter with Down syndrome finishing school this year?

If your son or daughter is in Year 12, and finishing school this year, you should have been offered information about post-school programs and choices in your area, and have been offered assitance in making the transition. 

Transition Support
Support Teachers (Transition) (DET) and Transition Officers (Catholic schools) assist with the planning process for students with disabilities moving from school to post-school settings. These students may be enrolled in special schools, support classes in regular schools or in regular classes.

National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO)
Provides information, coordination and referral services to assist students with a disability transition from school into post-school education, training and employment options. The NDCO program works with services to enhance supports and opportunities within the local region for people with a disability.
Northcott and NDCO poster

The process usually works very well at local levels, and is usually implemented well before this stage of Year 12.  However, we have recently heard from some parents who have not yet been offered the information they need evne when their child is enrolled in a special education class or school.

If you have not yet had access to this information you should approach your transition support teacher through your school, or your local NDCO soon. Click here for contact details for NDCO's throughout NSW.

School leaver "expos" are one useful strategy for giving families access to a lot of information and local options. They will usually be advertised through your school and other local services.

Information about  the two NSW government funded post-school programs for school leavers with disabilities - Transition to Work and Community Participation -  is available from the Ageing, Disability and Home Care website: look under the 'for individuals, families and carers' menu, in 'support for people with a disability', then 'for school leavers'. You can access all documentation for both programs, and download lists of service providers in each region. Links and contacts are also provided for further information directly from ADHC.

Family Advocacy runs information sessions for families about both Transition to Work and Community Participation , and about how they can be managed by families, from time to time, across NSW.

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