Saturday 14 May 2011

Nominations for the 2011 National Disability Awards are now open

The National Disability Awards recognise people with disability who have achieved something remarkable or made a significant contribution to their community, and people or groups within the community who have contributed to the disability sector or improved access and inclusion.

Does someone outstanding spring to mind? Entering is easy. Download a nomination form and nomination guidelines at  or call 1800 440 385 to order hard copies.

The 2011 Award categories are:

§ Minister’s Lifelong Achievement Award recognises people who have advanced the rights of people with disability over a prolonged period of time.

§ Young Disability Challenge Award recognises young people aged 12-25 years who have advanced the rights of people with disability.

§ Business Award recognises organisations that have improved access to employment, or created increased employment opportunities for people with disability.

§ Local Government Award recognises work in a community that provides opportunities for full inclusion of people with disability.

§ Social Inclusion Award recognises schools, universities, employment and training providers and advocacy services who have enabled equal participation of people with disability in a range of areas in life.

§ Inclusive and Accessible Communities Award recognises work by developers, builders and others in the building sector to create accessible buildings or facilities for people with disability.

§ Health and Wellbeing Award recognises health and wellbeing services that are creating equal access for people with disability.

Nominations close 5pm AEST Thursday 30 June 2011.

The 2011 National Disability Award categories are aligned with the National Disability Strategy priority areas, a 10 year strategy to improve the lives of people with disability, their families and carers.

The National Disability Awards are part of the Australian Government’s celebration of International Day of People with Disability. Show your support for the Awards and International Day of People with Disability by becoming a Facebook fan at  or following along on Twitter at

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