Thursday 2 June 2011

Individualised funding for people with disabilities: NSW summit in July 2011, community consultations to follow

Statement issued by the NSW Liberal Party this morning:

A two day summit will be held next month, as the O'Farrell Government looks to implement one of its key reforms to the disabilities sector.

Minister for Ageing and Disability Services, Andrew Constance, said individualised funding packages would put carers and people with a disability at the centre of decision-making.

"Under the O'Farrell Government's proposal, people with a disability won't be dictated to by bureaucrats when it comes to the services they receive," Mr Constance said.

"This will put carers and people with a disability in control of their funding arrangements."

A two day summit will be held on the 7th and 8th of July to start the important process of consultation.

"The summit will be the catalyst for a significant program of over 100 consultation sessions which will be held throughout NSW over the second half of this year," Mr Constance said.

"It'll give us the information we need to make sure we are delivering what people want," Mr Constance said.

"The NSW Government is actively seeking the advice of people with a disability about their needs and aspirations for personalised service delivery."

The Government will work with peak bodies such as the Disability Council, NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS), National Disability Service NSW and consumer organisations.

"Individualised funding packages will give people with a disability more choice and control over their lives and futures, including how the system supports them," Mr Constance said.

After this phase of the consultation, the feedback would be analysed to produce a draft person centred model for NSW.

"The O'Farrell Government is committed to building the strongest client-focussed service arrangements in the country."

The NSW Government has committed $2 billion in new growth funding to implement the second phase of Stronger Together, which will see the roll-out of more than 47,000 new disability services and places between 2011 and 2016.

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