Thursday 23 June 2011

Library Thursday: 12 years of family research from Western Australia, and social politics

(Google's Blogger program is taking an unexpected rest from posting photos at the moment - book cover images might appear later ...)

Understanding Down Syndrome - capturing family experiences through research is compiled from a number of research initiatives undertaken with Western Australian families over the last 12 years.  

Also from Western Australia this year:
Greater Expectations, by Jan Goddard represents a distillation of interviews with families over a ten year period. Available for members to borrow from our library.

Together these publications provide a very substantial body of work coming out of a single State.

The Politics of Down Syndrome, by Keiron Smith is another much anticipated title that will compliment Greater Expectations.  It will be released in the UK in September, and is available now on pre-order from The Book Depositry which offers free shipping world-wide.  A copy will be in the Down Syndrome NSW library as soon as we can get it.  In the meantime, it is worth checking out the book's Facebook page to trace its genesis, and to catch early reviews - the first of which has just been posted.  All royalties from the book will be donated to Down Syndrome Education International.

A well established title in a similar genre is Michael Berube's Life as We Know It, published in 1996 can also be borrowed by members from our library.

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