Monday 13 June 2011

What's On YOUR Plate?

One for the night owls ...

Practical Tools Webinar Series: What's On YOUR Plate?
Strategies for Healthy Eating for Teens and Adults with Down Syndrome and Related Disabilities.

And just WHOSE PLATE are we talking about?

Healthy lives - healthy eating - health weight - all take work. The work is not limited to the person learning! It involves everyone: Mom, Dad, siblings, direct support providers, teachers, friends, and more.
In this webinar, we'll discuss some ways to build healthy living into every day life. And we'll have some fun, too!

Presented by Joan Medlen, JEM Communications and Phronesis Publishing (author of The Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook)

Saturday, July 30, 2011
8.00 am Pacific Time (USA)
which will be:
Sunday July 31 2011
1.00 am Eastern Australian time

Click here to register

Webinar 'seats' are limited.

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