Thursday 7 July 2011

School-Link newsletter June/July 2011 online now

The June/July 2011 edition of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead’s School-Link newsletter on mental health and intellectual disability in children and adolescents is now available to download from the School-Link website

Highlights include:
· Identifying factors that impede training and service development for mental health of children and adolescents with intellectual disability by Associate Professor David Dossetor

· Discovering the possibilities with visual strategies: A Training Day with Linda Hodgdon by Anders Hansson

· Running Group Stepping Stones Triple P within a school - How Successful is it? by Michelle Jewell

· The medicine cabinet : fluoxetine and autism by Judith Longworth

· AAC apps-speaking APPropriately by Jane Farrall

· Upcoming training, reviews, reading list, resources and more!

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