Friday 22 July 2011

Transition support for students with additional or complex needs and their families

This NSW Legistlative Council inquiry has been set up to inquire into and report on programs and services for children with additional and/or complex needs and their families during transitions between stages of education (the Inquiry's home page)

Individual students' and families' experiences are always useful to such inquiries - please consider telling the Inquiry about yours, what worked, what did not work, what could have been improved, how your student managed transitions in education, the impacts of transition periods on your family. Have your say about how the process of moving from preschool to school, between primary and high school, and/or out of high school has been managed.

Written submissions are open until 12th August.  All details of the terms of reference, how to make a submission, hearings and reporting are available from here.


  1. Our baby is only 12 months old but would love to read eveyone else's stories as I love to have some idea of whatr oad ahead Lucas has with Schooling in the near future.....

  2. Having our Little boy, he is only 12 months old, but I would love to read others advice on what I can expect for Lucas starts school in a few years time....
