Monday 15 August 2011

Disability and Ageing: lifelong planning for a better future Senate Committee's report

The NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS) has published a useful summary of the recent Senate Affairs  Committee report: Disability and Ageing: lifelong planning for a better future

Key recommendations:
  • Identifying people with disability as a special needs group, and lowering the age of eligibility for people with disability to access aged care services.
  • Reviewing assessment tools used by Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) to assess people with disability.
  • Giving specialised legal and financial support to people with disability and their loved ones.
  • Making resources available to support life-long planning for people with disability, and regulation of particular types of planning.
  • Research on the needs of disadvantaged people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people living in rural and remote areas.
  • Better communication about and co-ordination of current disability services.
NCOSS summary and response:

Final report from the Senate Committee:

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