Thursday 18 August 2011

Down Syndrome News, August 2011: good reading!

The August 2011 issue of Down Syndrome News, published by the USA's National Down Syndrome Congress, has just been posted online.  Another great line-up of articles, including:

Yeah, that's my brother, a fifteen year old's account of attending high school alongside her brother who has Down syndrome

Ten tips for siblings of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, written particularly for adult siblings

Cause for celebration! (a regular column contributed by families, about the large and small celebrations families encounter)

Sexuality education is sexual abuse prevention by Terri Coewenhoven, author of Teaching children with Down syndrome about their bodies, boundaries and sexuality (available for members to borrow from the Down Syndrome NSW library)

Book Reviews: The Shape of the Eye: Down Syndrome, Family, and the Stories We Inherit (on order for our library), Off We Go! Children’s Series (social stories),  and Cooking by Color: Recipes for Independence

What talents can you bring to an employer or customer? Part 1 of 2, on looking beyond the obvious in creating and/or finding job opportunities.  Here is a tiny sample quote demonstrating deep lateral thinking:

"In addition to skills, it is important to recognize your son or daughter’s unique interests ...
I once helped a man find a job collecting golf balls at a driving range. His mother was concerned he wouldn’t find a job because he was obsessive compulsive about picking things off the ground and floor."

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