Friday 5 August 2011

Website of the week: (US) National Down Syndrome Congress

The National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) is a US organisation, based in Atlanta, Georgia.  This weekend their annual 39th annual Convention is being held in San Antonio, Texas, and will attract up to delegates, most of them families with a member who has Down syndrome.  The extensive programs includes presentations by some of the best known names in the international Down syndrome community. So it is timely to highlight their website - and we'll be looking out for new additions from the Convention.

Like many websites about Down syndrome, there is a range of excellent information pages, many of them written by well known and respected US experts, as well as information about local events and campaigns.  At Down Syndrome NSW, we draw on NDSC information resources regularly, including the magazine, Down Syndrome News, which is now available online.

One of the outstanding features of the NDSC website is the Physicians Guide - a series of print and video resources for physicians in preparation for delivering the diagnosis of Down syndrome to families, based on the research and experience of Dr Brian Skotko, who presents some of the advice.

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