Monday 17 October 2011

Deadline of 2013 on NDIS

Sun-Herald, Sunday 16th October 2011, Stephanie Peatling:

Plans for a national disability insurance scheme will be accelerated by the federal government, which will tell the states this week it wants the foundations ready a year earlier than projected.
The Minister for Families and Community Services, Jenny Macklin, told The Sun-Herald: ''Getting this work done quickly will be an essential step towards delivering the kind of care and support that Australians expect for people with a disability. People with disability shouldn't have to wait any longer for these basic foundations.''

The national disability insurance scheme is designed to provide lifelong care for the disabled through a single scheme funded by the federal government.
More than 2 million people either live with a disability or are carers.

On Thursday, Ms Macklin will tell the states she wants the foundations of the scheme put in place in 2013, a year earlier than the time recommended by the Productivity Commission.

The director of Every Australian Counts, the campaign for a national disability insurance scheme, John Della Bosca, welcomed the faster timeline.

''Many of the campaign's 80,000 supporters have expressed the view that they are in desperate need of support now, and a commitment to implementing the national disability insurance scheme more quickly shows our politicians have been listening,'' he said.

All the states agreed to support the scheme at last month's Council of Australian Governments meeting. It also has the broad support of the Coalition.

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