Friday 14 October 2011

Janet Carr: public lecture at ACU Canberra

Australian Catholic University
School of Education Public Lecture

Living with Down Syndrome:
Findings from a 45 year longitudinal study
A presentation and discussion with
Janet Carr, Ph

Monday 31st October 2011 S3 Signadou Building,
ACU Canberra Campus,
223 Antill Street, Watson ACT
(Accessible venue. Please advise us if you have particular access requirements.)

5:30pm Refreshments
5:50pm Welcome – Miss Ruth Faragher
5:55pm Opening – Senator Sue Boyce
6:00pm Lecture – Dr Janet Carr
Questions and further refreshments
7.00pm Close

Dr Janet Carr has led one of the most remarkable studies on Down syndrome in the world – lasting almost half a century. All the babies born with Down syndrome in one year in one part of South East England have been seen at intervals from infancy to middle age. They were seen in their own homes and given tests of intelligence, language, academic subjects (reading, writing and arithmetic) and, latterly, tests of memory. The findings from the studies of both the people with Down syndrome and
from the families will be discussed in this public lecture.

About Janet Carr
Dr Janet Carr is an eminent researcher in Down syndrome. Until her retirement in 1992, was regional tutor in the Psychology of Learning Disability at St George’s Hospital, London. She is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, was on the BPS Board of Examiners from 1985-86, and a Dissertations Examiner for the Society's Diploma in Clinical Psychology from 1988 to 2002. Currently she is chair of the BPS Welfare Fund.
She is a member of and Assistant Editor for the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive
Psychotherapy. Apart from Down syndrome, her main interest has been in the use of behavioural methods in the teaching of people with intellectual disabilities, and she has been Behavioural Advisor to the Down's Syndrome Association UK since the late 1980s. She has written about 60 book chapters and papers in peer-reviewed journals, and 6 books. Janet has received numerous awards and acknowledgments of her research including the 2009 Jo Mills Research Award.

RSVP: Rhonda Faragher by 28th October 2011
p: 02 6209 1142

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