Monday 31 October 2011

Research project: Disability & Ability: How Young People with Impairments make the Transition to Adulthood

The 'Disability & Ability: How Young People with Impairments make the Transition to Adulthood' research project has been funded for three years by the Australian Research Council (ARC) to the University of Sydney and Deakin University. 

Researchers are seeking to recruit young people with disability aged 19 - 26yrs to be interviewed yearly for 3yrs. Interviews will take a life history approach and explore a range of topics - more detail is available from the project outline, and the participant brochure.

Contact: Gabrielle Hindmarsh on (02) 9351 9510 or email

This is a project of the Australian Family & Disability Studies Research Collaboration and has received approval from the University of Sydney Human Ethics Committee.

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