Saturday 29 October 2011

(US) Down Syndrome News (October issue) online

The October 2011 issue of Down Syndrome News (vol 34, #6), published by the USA's National Down Syndrome Congress, has just been posted online.  Another great line-up of articles, including:

Feeding the Sensory System Early
Looks at the importance of developing a healthy and happy sensory system provides an important foundation that helps all children throughout their lives, by an occupational therapist

20 Ways to Adapt the Read Aloud
Advice for classroom teachers on including all student in a reading activity.

Where Are All the Opportunities? Optimizing Employment: Job Development Tips for Job Seekers and Their Families – Part II
Looking beyond the obvious in creating and/or finding job opportunities.

Five Ways Adults Can Support the Social Success of Students with Social Learning Challenges,
Describes five practical strategies that can be embedded into a learner's day to support the development of social skills.

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