Sunday 20 November 2011

2013 Down Syndrome NSW Calendar !

We know you haven’t started using your 2012 calendar yet, but its time to think ahead. Please send in your photos for our 2013 calendar!

Regular calendar buyers tell us how much they enjoy seeing the wide range of activities that people with Down syndrome of all ages have been up to over the past year.

Summer holidays, special events, starting school, starting high school, finishing school, going off to work or enjoying time with family and friends all make great calendar photos. If you have a particular interest, passion, hobby or skill, think about capturing that in a photo too.

Prints are welcome, but it is easier for everyone if you can email your digital photos as attachments,. For good quality printing, please send files that are at least 300 dpi resolutions, and a minimum of 500 Kb.

Include details of who is in the photo, and that they have given their permission for it to be used.

Please email photos to Angela Adams at  or post to

Down Syndrome NSW
PO Box 9117
Harris Park  NSW 2150

Submissions for the 2013 calendar will close on 31st May 2012

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