Thursday 24 November 2011

Library Thursday: managing grief and loss

In response to requests from members we have added some books to our collection on helping children and adults with intellectual disabilities to deal with the death of loved ones. One mother whose young teen lost his closest friend in an accident, and his grandfather at around the same time said that she found it useful to place a loose photo of the friend and one of his Grandpa in the book he liked best, to help him relate the text to the people he loved. He kept the book in his room, and took it out when he needed to - which was quite often, initially.

Tear soup - a recipe for healing after loss, by Pat Schweibert and Chuck Deklyen
Because we never learn exactly who or what Grandy lost and why she is making Tear Soup, the story remains open to countless situations of bereavement and family members. By emphasizing the individual process of bereavement by making soup, Grandy’s brings a warm and comfortable feeling to an otherwise difficult subject matter for many (readers).

The saddest time, by Norma Simon
Three stories to help children talk about death – an uncle with a terminal illness, a classmate killed in an accident, and a grandparent.

Beginnings and endings with lifetimes in between, by Bryan Mellonie and Robert Ingpen
A useful book to explain to children that death is a part of life and that, eventually, all living things reach the end of their own special lifetimes.

When someone very special dies: children can learn to cope with grief, by Marge Heegaard
A practical format for allowing children to understand the concept of death and develop coping skills for life, this book is designed for young readers to illustrate.

Down Syndrome NSW members can arrange to borrow from the library by email to or call to speak with support and information staff, on 9841 4444

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