Monday 28 November 2011

Website of the week: Play Talk Learn

Play Talk Learn is a website maintained by a Western Australian speech therapist who is also a busy mother of young children.  Emily says of her site:

This is how Play Talk Learn came about. Here you will find activities that are:
  • fun (otherwise the little blighters won’t want to do them, and neither will you!)
  • easy (I’m sure you’ve got lots of other things that you’d rather be concentrating on!)
  • quick (do I have to explain this one?)
  • done without special equipment (just a fossick through the craft box and the recycling bin!)
  • designed to teach your child a new concept, word, or skill (whether you’re concerned about their development, or whether you’re looking for home activities)
  • the result of being tried on real children in real homes in really busy lives!

With the long summer holidays just a couple of weeks away, families of young children with Down syndrome might find lots of easy and entertaining ideas here - let us know if you do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the feature! I hope you & your members find some good ideas on our site.
    I am always open to suggestions for speech therapy posts - especially "How do I...?" questions. So please pop on over and ask away!
