Wednesday 14 December 2011

Recent developments in Australian disability reform

NDIS agency
On International Day of People with Disability (3rd December), the Prime Minister announced the establishment of the agency that will oversee building the national Disability Insurance Scheme. The Minister's press release describing the work and objectives of the agency is here.

Minister for Disability reform
This week, the reshuffle of the Cabinet saw the title 'Minister for Disability Reform' added to the portfolio of the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (Jenny Macklin).  Commentary has included:

James O'Brien at the Every Australian Counts campaign
... This means that Minister Macklin – as one of the Government’s senior Ministers – will have a clear mandate to continue to develop the NDIS.

Tom Bridge at Ramp Up, the ABC's site on disability matters
 ... All Tom Bridge wanted for Christmas was a Minister for Disability in the Australian Parliament. In the cabinet reshuffle yesterday, he got what he wanted. Sort of.

New Government NDIS website
The Australian Government's website for the National Disability Insurance Scheme was launched on IDPWD, to track its development, and for the release of government news about the NDIS.  (Note that the Every Australian Counts campaign website is separate, owned and run by the campaign).  You can subscribe to updates and news feeds from the NDIS site.

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