Tuesday 20 December 2011

Sydney Community College Inclusive Community Education Program

Courses for people with a disability at the Rozelle Campus
Term 1 2012 is 28th January – 5th April

The courses are:
  • Filmmaking (Saturdays 9:30am-12:30pm)
  • Organic Gardening & Cooking (Saturdays 1:30pm-4:30pm)
  • Visual Arts (Tuesdays 3:15pm-6:15pm)
  • Dance & Games (Wednesdays 3:15pm-6:15pm)
  • Singing (Thursdays 3:15-6:15pm)
Please contact:
Duncan Rose
Social Inclusion Program Coordinator, Sydney Community College
duncan.rose@scc.nsw.edu.au or ph: 8752 7571

What is the Inclusive Community Education Program?
The ICEP is a two year pilot program operated by the Respite Directorate, Family and Community Services, Aging, Disability and Home Care. It is a flexible respite program that aims to give carers a break by providing recreation and leisure courses for adults with a disability. It also aims to give people with a disability an opportunity to build social networks with their peers outside usual service hours.

Who Can Come?
The ICEP pilot is for people with a disability who:
  • Are aged 18-45 years (with some flexibility)
  • Have an unpaid carer e.g. parent (people who are recipients of the Carers Allowance or other benefits are considered to be unpaid carers)
  • Are living in the community. People who currently live in ADHC funded or operated accommodation are not eligible as the focus is to provide respite to an unpaid carer.
  • Live in Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury, Leichhardt, Marrickville, Strathfield, Botany Bay, Randwick, Rockdale, Sydney, Waverly or Woollahra LGAs
Source:  IDEAS e-News Issue 30, 12th December 2012

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