Monday 12 December 2011

Transition to retirement for people with a disability: new DVD

Transition to Retirement is a new DVD designed to help older people with a disability to make the transition from work to retirement.  It is a product of an ARC Linkage Research Project led by Associate Professor Roger Stancliffe (University of Sydney) in collaboration with the Australian Foundation for Disability (AFFORD).

The objective of the Transition to Retirement project was to support older people with a lifelong disability to experience an active and inclusive retirement.

Professor Roger Stancliffe suggests that people with disability, particularly intellectual disability, are now living longer, which is very positive. However it presents new challenges as these individuals approach retirement age.

'There is really no clear policy or clear range of paths for people to follow to develop a retirement lifestyle so we are offering one alternative to assist people to gradually begin to develop a retirement lifestyle as they ease out of their full time sheltered employment." .... read more on the project on this University of Sydney news webpage.

The DVD will be distributed by AFFORD and will also be available through its websiteThe online edition is available to view as individual chapters, all of which are well worth watching.

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