Tuesday 10 January 2012

Families, holidays and life

Easing gently into a new year of blog-reading, you might like some recent posts from some of our favourites, and a new (to us) family blog that promises fun:

Let's Talk Down Syndrome - Home Made Holiday - some ideas for everyday fun in the holidays

Elysha and Jake (her companion dog) - how a companion dog fits into a young woman's life, and understands sign language!

The top ten things I learned from (18 yr old) Alex in 2011 - Alex's Mum says she learns many more than 10 things every year ... these are some 2011 highlights.

And a newly discovered blog to follow, April Anecdotes from a family who have six adult and teenage children - three of them with Down syndrome (you might recognise one of the writers, Jennifer, as Ms Bekins from Let's Talk Down Syndrome!) - this one is now on our updated and revamped list of 'Blogs we read'.

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