Thursday 12 January 2012

Library Thursday: National Year of Reading

2012 has been declared the National Year of Reading in Australia.  Reading has great relevance for people with Down syndrome and those who care for them - as a skill for all aspects of living, and as a valuable source of information, and pleasure.

The National Year of Reading has a website, a calendar events and activities, a newsletter, opportunities for involvement, and much more. The official launch is scheduled for 14th February, 2012.

As recently as a generation ago, few people believed that those with Down syndrome could learn to read (or could learn other 'academic' skills) - so they were often not given the opportunity, and predictably few did read.  Expectations and approaches are very different now, and research continues to provide new information about how people with Down syndrome of all ages develop literacy skills, and how we might better teach them.

With that in mind, we are planning to making the National Year of Reading a theme for this blog in 2012, highlighting various aspects of 'reading and people with Down syndrome' throughout the year.  Our regular library posts will continue, along with contributions such as
  • family stories about reading 
  • what people with Down syndrome think about reading
  • resources for teaching and supporting reading skills at school and at home 
  • other libraries
  • articles and reviews
  • news about research into reading skills development
  • information about apps
  • ideas for improving your local library's resources about people with Down syndrome
  • links
  • guest bloggers
  • and of course pictures to illustrate it all
Your suggestions are welcome.

Here is a a cool little animation of books having fun - the kids might like it too (nothing at all to do with Down syndrome).

The Down Syndrome NSW library collection is available for loan to members (click here to find out how to do it). The collection includes books and DVDs designed for families and carers, and for children and adults with Down syndrome.

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