Tuesday 24 January 2012

Modelling opportunity for young children with Down syndrome, Sydney

Online clothing company Rock Your Baby is looking for a model for a photographic shoot in Sydney on 4th/5th February. Specifically they are looking for boys aged 6 months to 1 yr and girls aged 2-3 yrs, and need to receive your photos by the end of this week.

From Joh Walsh at Rock Your Baby:

We would be more than happy to use a little child with Down syndrome as a Rock Your Baby model. I would not be comfortable with just doing it for publicity but more to promote that all children are beautiful and need to be embraced into society no matter what their disability is.    

If you know of any families who would like to take part in our shoot (4th/5th Feb – at Botany, Sydney) then we would be more than happy to do this. They can send photos in to me at johanne@rockyourbaby.com. 

The shoot is with a well-known children’s photographer and will be all done in a photographic studio. We would only need the child for no more than 30 mins – 1 hr. 

Please note that the photographer also happens to be the official photographer for the Down Syndrome Society (of South Australia), and she is fantastic with children.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email me or you can contact me on 0425 306 907.

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