Monday 9 January 2012

Value of the ordinary

Rolling Around in My Head has been one of our favourite blogs since Dave Hingsburger, one of our favourite writers, started writing it in October, 2006, with these words:

What I want to do here on this blog is to think, aloud, about what it is to be in a position of service and a position of power at the same time. About those I've met along the way. This blog is about remembering as well as about imagining.

Five years and some 2000 entries later, its still on the daily 'must read' list. In this post, But only I was there, the ever-eloquent Dave Hingsburger paints three vignettes from his casual observations of people just going about their ordinary lives that would have been great lessons for anyone inclined to limit the value of the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, including Down syndrome.

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