Monday 20 February 2012

Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine conference, March 2012: family bursaries

Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine (AADDM) 2012 Conference, will be held in Sydney on March 8-10, 2012.

AADDM is making available a number of bursaries for family members/carers to attend the conference. The bursary would pay for the registration (single day or 3 days).  

Application for the bursaries is through the conference website:  click on 'bursaries' in the left hand column. The full conference program is also on the website.

President's welcome (from the conference website)
Welcome to the Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine (AADDM) 2012 Conference. AADDM is delighted to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to share ideas, and to support and inspire each other.  AADDM was formed in 2002 as a network of medical practitioners aiming to improve the health status of people with intellectual and developmental disability. The association has a substantial track record of contributing to improvements in healthcare through the support of health and disability professionals, as well as through our major contributions to evidence based health policy and practice changes, at the state and national level.
We are delighted to have attracted speakers who are international leaders in their fields and who will no doubt enthuse and encourage ideas and discussion as they explore our three major themes of mental health, physical health through the life span, and health service development.
I hope that the conference progresses the association’s mission to improve the health of people with developmental disabilities throughout Australia; not only by facilitating the transfer of skills and knowledge, but also by delivering you a timely and inspired revitalization. I welcome the diverse backgrounds of the conference delegates and wish to acknowledge how each of you are working to make a real difference to the lives of people with developmental disability.
Nick Lennox
President, Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine

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