Wednesday 15 February 2012

Discussion about education for students with special needs in NSW: Thursday 16th February

Parent/activist Jane Salmon has asked us to pass details of this meeting on:
I'm a parent of children with additional needs concerned about the state of special needs education in NSW.  I am hoping that parents, therapists and staff with concerns about special needs education (including the imminent rollout of a scheme trialled in the Illawarra region) will come together to discuss solutions.

Hoping for a rosy future for Special Needs Education?

Want to end dysfunction and cuts?

Want to show your support for teachers aides and learning assistance in mainstream settings?

Are you a parent, aide, teacher, principal, unionist, lawyer, therapist, politician, itinerant support teacher or counsellor wanting a brighter future? You'll be in good company.

We're stronger together.

Bring your ideas and info along to a public meeting on 

Thursday 16th February at 1pm and/or 7pm.

Parliamentary Theatrette
Parliament of NSW
6 Macquarie Street

Tel: 0417 919 354 or email upstream2005 at for information.

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