Thursday 2 February 2012

Library Thursday: new in our library

These DVD and books are new additions to our library collection and and can be borrowed by Down Syndrome NSW members (contact to arrange a loan):

Relationships and Sex (DVD)
Uses  animations to explain various topics such as 'Growing Up', 'Looking After Yourself', 'Sex', 'Pregnancy'. Explicit animations are helpful, the focus is on puberty and sex rather than relationships. Help and advice section refers to UK agencies.

Transition to Retirement (DVD)
See this earlier post about this DVD, and its online publication.

Can you sound like me? (DVD)
Produced by WA paediatric speech pathologist, Kath Keiper, giving 15 songs specifically developed to promote children’s communication skills. Further information is available from the publisher, Chew Chew Chatter.

Down Syndrome Parenting 101 
Publisher's note: Natalie Hale offers advice on everything from celebrating a child’s unique personality and seeing him for who he is to insisting he finish his chores and ensuring he has the space to be his own person as an adult. She leads readers through every stage of growing up, highlighting the experiences and people they will encounter along the way. She also lends tremendous support to parents, with frequent reminders to follow their intuition, embrace their sense of humor, and remember that even kids with Down syndrome need discipline from time to time. Book page at publisher, Woodbine House

The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up: choices and changes in the Tween years
by Terri Couwenhoven
Contents:   Puberty Basics, Outside Changes, Inside Changes, Periods, Caring for Your Body, Public or Private?, Final Words. Covers all the essentials and explains it well. A companion volume for boys is in preparation. Book page at publisher, Woodbine House.

Are You Ready 
This package on toilet training now also comes in a version with picture cards depicting older children. Same resource and information, with  different illustrations. Further information here.

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