Thursday 16 February 2012

Library Thursday: your input invited

In a bit of a twist for a Library Thursday post, Woodbine House, publisher of many of the most popular titles in our collection has advised about an opportunity for families to have input to an upcoming title about boys and puberty - we know that will be a popular one too!

If you're the parent (or educator or therapist) of a boy with an intellectual disability, please participate in author Terri Couwenhoven's survey to gather input about boys ages 8-18 for her forthcoming book on puberty issues. 

Terri is the author of the recently published The Girls' Guide to Growing up and Teaching Children with Down Syndrome About Their Bodies, Boundaries and Sexuality.

We keep up with news from Woodbine House about publications, authors and planned releases via their Facebook page, where we also found the link to these very positive recent reviews of The Girls' Guide to Growing Up.

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