Monday 6 February 2012

Relationships and Private Stuff: seminars and workshops

Liz Dore supports anyone who wants counselling in the areas of friendships, relationships, sexuality and/or grief. Liz also offers coaching in dating skills for singles who would like to maximise their opportunities of meeting people and finding a partner. Currently working with individuals, couples, professionals, families, and people with disability, Liz helps people aged from ten to seventy-plus years to develop and maintain good personal relationships. See Relationships and Private Stuff for more information,

This Dating Life
Liz has often been asked to cater for the needs of single un-paid Carers and for single professionals. The following seminar is suitable for single carers and professionals from any field, and is aimed at assisting individuals to network for themselves (for personal – not professional – development).
Tuesday 14th February 2012 6.30 PM – 8.00 PM
Woodstock Community Centre, 22 Church Street, Burwood

Liz Dore, counsellor and dating coach from Relationships and Private Stuff will deliver a talk entitled “This Dating Life” in which she will highlight ways busy people can maximise their opportunities to connect to people and build relationships. Some professionals hide behind their titles and their suits but ultimately it’s skin to skin when the lights are out. The truly, madly, deeply in love phase is different to the long bonding phase. How do you ­ find a partner who will want to be by your side supporting you while you’re vomiting from a virus or receiving an award for excellence in your ­ field?

Registration Fee: $130 includes the seminar and an individual follow up consultation. To register, send registration form and cheque to Liz Dore PO Box 1060 Burwood North 2134 or email completed form to and discuss other payment options.

Friendship and Relationship Skills Workshop
Saturday 3rd and Saturday 10th March 2012, 3 PM – 6 PM 
Woodstock Community Centre, 22 Church Street, Burwood
For people with intellectual disability, ASD or brain injury aged 16 and over.

This workshop is held over two sessions, giving the participants an opportunity to meet and socialise with others, while learning through structured education activities. Topics include: Conversation and turn taking; Making friends; Steps in forming relationships; Touching, timing and consent; and Protecting yourself from unwanted touch. Informal activities, such as going to a local coffee shop, are used to reinforce learning.
To register, send registration form and cheque to Liz Dore PO Box 1060 Burwood North 2134 or email completed form to and discuss other payment options.

Supporting people with disability in regional NSW: Workshops
On behalf of Northcott Disability Services workshops supporting the needs of people with disability will be presented by Liz Dore in Dubbo, Coonamble, Warren and Broken Hill in late February, March and April.  This workshop series will include three-hour Relationships and Private Stuff sessions for parents and Carers, and full-day Train the Trainer courses in Friendship and Relationships Skills for professionals.

Flyer for Dubbo events 20th and 21st February
Flyer for Broken Hill event 27th March
Flyer for Bourke event 17th April

For more information, contact Laura Hayden at Northcott in Dubbo by phone (02) 6882 1099, email or mobile 0458 330 190.

Relationships and sexuality counselling and consultations sessions are available in Dubbo
Wednesday 22nd February 20112
To make an appointment for a private session, contact Liz Dore on mobile 0416 122 634 or email

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