Wednesday 1 February 2012

What did you do this summer?

Would you care to share a photo of what your son or daughter with Down syndrome has been up to this summer?

Maybe you got to the beach (between showers) ... played with other kids at home ... went on a trip ... read a great book ... saw a show ... went to the Country Music Festival in Tamworth ... worked at your job through summer ... picnicked ... made a fabulous cubby house from a cardboard box and a lot of imagination ... went to vacation care ... saw a movie ... hung out with grandparents ... painted a picture ... learned to swim ... got ready for a new school ... caught up with cousins ... celebrated a birthday ... welcomed a new baby to your family ... learned how to bake brownies ... helped care for someone who was sick ... went camping ... played in the rain ...  helped build a Scrapheap bike for Kosciuszko in April ... so many possibilities!

Whatever it was, if you'd like to share it here, email your photo to with just a few words of explanation, and we'll put  together a 'What I did in the holidays' post (or series if there are enough).

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