Thursday 15 March 2012

Library Thursday: 'How David Met Sarah' now in print

If you liked the sound of the e-book, How David Met Sarah, you will be interested to know that it is now available in print as well.  We will have a copy in our library soon, compliments of the author, Anne Kelleher - thank you!  It is also available for purchase through Amazon.

Anne wrote to us with her book offer:

The book has gone on to be endorsed by the National Down Syndrome Society and has garnered praise from family members, therapists, reading specialists, special education teachers and librarians, for the insights it offers into the world of the developmentally disabled.
Most recently, the Hartford Book Examiner had this to say:
"How David Met Sarah provides parents, educators and caretakers a rare resource that not only entertains but also exposes the realities of what it’s like to live with a disability. If knowledge is power, then sharing that knowledge is empowerment - both for the messenger and the recipient.
Ultimately, though, How David Met Sarah’s greatest achievement may be something far simpler (and yet equally profound): It reminds us that, no matter our background, we all desire the same things in life – and that a sense of love and belonging is chief among them."  

She has also been busy with preparation of the second title in the series of high interests/low ability readers, prompted by her brother David's need for adult stories that he could read.  David is a 36 yr old with Down syndrome.  When David was Surprised will be released soon, and the third title is brewing.

Follow progress of the series and read all the reviews of the published titles on the blog, When David met Sarah.

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