Friday 16 March 2012

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

People with disabilities, including those with Down syndrome, might be subject to bullying in subtle and overt ways - and they are often ill-equipped to deal with it.  The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence website has sections for parents, students and teachers.

Equipping a person with an intellectual disability with strategies to prevent and to deal with bullying is important, and requires thought and skill.  One of the best resources we have ever seen is Dave Hingburger's booklet, The Are Word.  It is very practical, and very accessible - takes about half an hour to read, and could change lives. It takes you way beyond the often used response, "just ignore it".

Down Syndrome NSW members can borrow it from our library, or you can buy it direct from the publisher, Diverse City Press for just under $10.

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