Wednesday 14 March 2012

Public Lecture: People with Intellectual Disabilities Conducting Research

Jointly hosted by University of NSW, University of Sydney and the Centre for Disability Studies  (information about Kelly Johnson's lecture,Towards a good life for people with learning disabilities, on 21st March is here):

Public Lecture: People with Intellectual Disabilities Conducting Research

26th March, 5:00pm - 6:00pm
John Goodsell Building Room 119, University of NSW

Why are we talking about inclusive research?
For too long people with intellectual disabilities have been researched on. For too long they have not had any control over what is researched and how it is done.

Who will be talking?
Professor Kelly Johnson, Norah Fry Research Centre, University of Bristol
Professor Jan Walmsley, Open University, UK
Members of the Inclusive Research Network, Centre for Disability Studies, University of Sydney

Reminder: information about Prof Kelly Johnson's lecture,Towards a good life for people with learning disabilities, on 21st March, also at UNSW,  is here):

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