Monday 12 March 2012

Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2012: good on you Kanahooka High School

Kanahooka is  suburb south of Wollongong.  Perry posted on the Scrapheap Facebook page about their fantastic effort for Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2012 ... what a wonderful initiative from the school, and a great experience for the students:

The Kanahooka High School scrapper project is underway!

It was a bit of a logistics nightmare getting everything organised but we are up and running. The bike arrived at school today (29th February) and the students will begin working on it tomorrow. We have a countdown going as you can see from the photo.

There is a lot of excitement around the school and many faculties and subjects are assisting through kindly donating their time, expertise and money to the cause. Students in our Small Motor Maintenance Group are preparing the motorcycle. Industrial Arts are providing technical assistance. Geography students are planning the route and the Art Department are painting the motorcycle.

Good luck on the ride, Kanahooka High!

Go the Scrapheap Facebook page to see the other, sometimes weird and wonderful scrappers getting ready for the April 6th event, or here to register your bike or to sponsor a team.

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