Saturday 3 March 2012

Supported Living Fund Proposals: Round 1 open until 23rd March

NSW Ageing, Disability and Home Care recently called for Expressions of Interest in funding packages from the Supported Living Fund.  Now the first round of the actual application process  is open.  You do not need to have submitted an EOI to make an application (called a Proposal) for a Supported Living Fund package.  Round 1 will close on 23rd March 2012.

There will be further rounds of applications later in 2012, and in 2013

For links to the application forms and further information about the process and support in completing the forms, visit the ADHC website here.

People eligible to receive a Supported Living Fund package will be required to meet the following criteria: 
  • Adults (18– 64 years with a disability as defined by the NSW Disability Services Act 1993   
  • are resident of NSW  
  • are interested in living in a ‘home of their own’, with a mix of informal and formal/paid support arrangements that are adequate and sustainable

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