Monday 16 April 2012

Carers NSW 2012 Carer Survey: online until 30th April

Carers NSW is an organisation for people who provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependencies, terminal illness, chronic condition or who is frail. Every 2 years, Carers NSW surveys carers to better identify their current needs:

We are conducting this survey to get more information about carers in NSW. This information helps us to identify and advocate for what carers want and need. 
This year’s survey is different to previous surveys. It has three sections for current carers. There is also a fourth section that is just for people who are no longer carers. The Former Carers survey will help us to collect information about carers’ experiences and needs after their caring role ends. 

If you have any questions, need help to complete the survey, or would like to order copies, please contact the Carers NSW Policy Team on 02 9280 4744.

The survey can be completed online here, until 30th April 2012.

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