Monday 2 April 2012

I saw someone today ... the You Tube version

We linked this post from the always interesting Dave Hingsburger, in our  World Down Syndrome Day post on 21st March, and described it as 'just right for the day". Now, a colleague of Dave's has taken his words a step further and produced a video montage to illustrate them.

The references to people with Down syndrome not living 'wrongful lives' (a legal term), probably arises because it was written at the edge of the shadow of a 'wrongful birth' case that was decided in Oregon around that time, and caused a great deal of online discussion, as you would expect.

We're linking you back to Dave's blog, Rolling Around in My Head rather than embedding the video, to ensure you get to read his introduction, and in case you are not (yet) one of his regular readers, and would like to see why we like his work so much.

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