Tuesday 17 April 2012

School Leavers Expo: Chatswood, 6th June

Families report widely varying experiences of their access to information about what is available to support people with disabilities once they finish school.  Your son or daughter's school might be very experienced in providing information about post-secondary opportunities, how to access them, and be involved in hosting an 'expo', or they might have no experience at all, and be unsure where to refer you.  Expos are held around the state, organised by local and regional services and organisations, and can be invaluable resources for families.

The Scene has published details of such an event at Chatswood in June:

School Leavers … Discover the pathway that’s right for you at the Sydney North Post School Options Expo on Wednesday 6 June 2012.

The free expo features service providers from organisations across Sydney. There will be information on Transition to Work and Employment programs, and Community Participation programs, so that families and young people will be able to make informed decisions about the program and service provider that best suits their needs ... read on here.

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