Wednesday 18 April 2012

Sweeping reform to challenge charities: UNSW Philanthropy Fellow

Gina Anderson, Philanthropy Fellow at the Centre for Social Impact, UNSW  wrote this opinion piece for the Sydney Morning Herald earlier this week:

Not-for-Profit organisations providing for people with disabilities will need to undergo significant change with the introduction of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) but are they ready for the challenge?

The NDIS will transfer decisions about how and where to spend money to the individual and their carers rather than the disability service providers.

This new 'citizen-centric' model represents a fundamental shift to the way disability services are funded and delivered that will have implications for the whole Not-for-Profit sector.

... It is a reform on the scale of the introduction of Medicare and compulsory superannuation – two safety nets now taken for granted by every Australian.

... read the full article here, on the University of NSW website.

Every Australian Counts commented:
We often hear people tell us the NDIS is only about helping service providers. This is wrong. Read this university article about the challenge the NDIS presents to disability organisations. The NDIS is about revolutionising disability support and this article gives you a picture of the sweeping changes it will bring.

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