Friday 13 April 2012

Website of the week: Adapting Creatively Blog

This blog, recommended by Paula Kluth has some excellent ideas and strategies for adaptations to everyday and classroom activities ... like the easy - and free - card holder, made from unused CDs, to make card games a little easier to manage independently by those who need some support for fine motor function, or this one made from a pool noodle!

And sometimes it's not about things, but about language, and feelings, and behaviour ... worth signing up for regular updates.  Rose-Marie Gallagher's introduction to her blog:

Adapting Creatively is a place where special needs parenting and special education intersect. When a special education teacher becomes a special needs parent, life demands some adapting. Some creativity. From that, this blog was born.

Paula Kluth regularly recommends websites and blogs focussing on inclusion of students with developmental disabilities.

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