Monday 2 April 2012

Word Down Syndrome Day (2)

Thank you to everyone who help us to celebrate the lives of people with Down syndrome, from our own back yards, right around the world.

Thanks to Wendy (Levi's Mum), who sent these photos from the T4321 event she and a group of friends organised at Sylvanvale Playgroup ...

The invitation was well-received!

Aaron and Mum, Donna

Aaron took a little break 

Ava might have mischief on her mind ...

 ... and found the escape hatch ...

Emily, and Dad Craig

Levi made good his escape!

Riley and his sister Olivia.

Shelley at the Shamptons came up with 21 posts about life with a child with Down syndrome to mark World Down Syndrome Day - a lovely glimpse into the busy life of a family with twins. 

Lauren Potter, one of the stars of Glee (she plays cheerleader, Becky),blogs about World Down Syndrome Day: On World Down Syndrome Day, Speaking Out on How Bullying Hurts and Kills Dreams (republished today by the widely-read Huffington Post   

More photos and some videos from events across NSW are available from the Down syndrome NSW Facebook page.

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