Wednesday 30 May 2012

Networks, teams and circles of support: seminar

Family members, friends and allies of a person with an intellectual disability who are thinking about developing, creating or enhancing the personal support network of a person with an intellectual disability or creating a circle of support to promote opportunities and relationships are invited to attend this seminar.

1.30 - 4.30 p.m.
Saturday 30th June 2012

University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Sciences
Cumberland Campus Room F126
75 East St, Lidcombe

Registration: $40.00

This day will focus on the experiences of families participating in a network or circle or team of support to enable a family member with an intellectual disability to plan and experience the good life. The presentations and discussion will be of particular interest to families who are dealing with similar issues and these families are warmly invited to attend. Other allies and people supporting families in developing networks also welcome to join us.

For more information contact Michelle Donelly on 0423 986 386 or 07 5506 9413

Registration: contact Margaret Carrick at the Centre for Disabiity Studies for a registration form:

Phone:           (02) 9036 3600

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