Friday 18 May 2012

New accessible singing group starting in Rozelle

From Sue Johnson at Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre:

Do you like to sing? Would you like to sing?
Thanks to the Opus 50 Charitable Trust a new singing group is starting at Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre.

We would like anyone who can sing a bit to join in (maybe you belt out something in the shower but are a bit shy to sing in public yet, or you sang a bit at school thousands of years ago and enjoyed it).

People with a disability are encouraged to come along....this is an accessible group in the community and we absolutely hope people from everywhere will make this their cool place to be on Thursday evenings.

We will start, gather, develop, practice lots, decide on a name for ourselves, and at some point hopefully sing at events in all sorts of places. We have funding for 1 year. 

The music director for this new singing group is Australian composer and musician Sarah de Jong. Sarah has composed music for film and theatre, recently a new Australian opera “Cockatoos” for the Victorian Youth Opera. But Sarah covers repertoire from Handel to MacArthur Park, Coldplay and Leonard Cohen. Sarah also teaches piano and singing everywhere.

If you'd like to come along and start up this group with us please let us know:

What:              the singing group with no name yet

Where:            Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre (accessible venue)
                        665a Darling St Rozelle

When:             Thursday evenings 6.30pm to 8pm Starting 31 May

Cost:                free
There is no charge for coming to the singing group. If you are not a member of Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre, we ask that you become a member of the centre which costs $5.50 per year. You can become a member at your first session and a receipt is issued.

Contact:          Sue Johnston 9555 8988 extension 2 or

Image: © Filipe Varela |

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