Thursday 10 May 2012

Webinars on School Inclusion for Students with Disability: Family Advocacy NSW

This series of webinars will be presented by Dr Bob Jackson, for Family Advocacy.

Access information about school inclusion for students with disability via one of 6 webinars - from the comfort of home.  The webinars will be useful for family members of a student with developmental disability exploring the possibilities of an inclusive and successful mainstream school education.

Topic 1:
The why and how of school inclusion will explore research about the benefits of inclusion, what good inclusion involves and how schools and families can work in partnership. The materials will be relevant for families of students of all ages.

Topic 2:
Getting ready for school is suited to families with a son or daughter about to start school who want hints for planning and would benefit from an understanding of how students with disability are supported in mainstream schools.

Topic 3:
Getting ready for high school is intended for families who have a son or daughter who is approaching high school and who want to gain a sense of the transition process, planning and what inclusion at high school looks like.

Each webinar will be between 90 minutes and 2 hours and can be accessed by computer and/or phone. You will also have hard copy materials sent to you by post.

Webinars are free but to ensure that webinars can be interactive, participant numbers will be limited to 12 and you must register to take part.

When will webinars take place?

Webinar 1: The why and how of school inclusion
16 May 2012 - 11.30am - 1.30pm
17 May 2012 - 6.30 - 8.30pm

Webinar 2: Getting ready for school

6 June - 11.30am - 1.30pm
7 June - 6.30 - 8.30pm

Webinar 3: Getting ready for high school

13 June - 11.30am - 1.30pm
14 June - 6.30 - 8.30pm

Family Advocacy hopes that webinar will give more people access to information. If you are interested but new to webinars, don’t worry. You will be sent clear instructions well in advance of the webinar.

Further details here, from Family Advocacy 

Contact details:
Phone (02) 9869 0866 or 1800 620 588 (free call for NSW non metro callers)

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