Thursday 21 June 2012

Library Thursday: 'Down Syndrome News' and 'Impact' online

These excellent two newsletters are published online as well as in print:

Down Syndrome News, Vol 35, Issue # 3, June 2012, published by the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress.

Beating the behavior battle blues
Memory activities may enhance learning
DS Headline News - a special publication of the Youth/Adult Committee of the NSDC

The NDSC website has been revised and Down Syndrome News issues are available online back to April 2011, plus selected articles from several years - a very useful resource.

Impact Volume 25,  Number 1, Winter/Spring 2012, published by the Institute on Community Integration (UCEDD) and the Research and Training Center on Community Living, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
feature issue on supporting new career paths for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Archived issues of Impact are available from here.

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