Friday 1 June 2012

National Disability Award: nominations open

Nominations for the National Disability Awards are now open, and will close on 20th July 2012

Nomination information is available from the International Day of People with a Disability website

There are ten Award categories in 2012, aligned with areas needing action in the National Disability Strategy – a ten year national plan for improving the lives of people with disability, their families and carers.

  1. Minister’s Award for Excellence in Disability Reform – Recognition of the significant achievements of an individual in influencing the disability reform agenda.
  2. Emerging Leaders Award – Recognition of an individual aged 15-35 years who is a leader in their community through raising awareness and/or improving outcomes for people with disability.
  3. Excellence in Accessible Communities Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution to the community by removing or reducing structural or communication barriers in a community, to help make communities more accessible for people with disability.
  4. Excellence in Improving Social Participation Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in improving the social participation of people with disability, including assisting people with disability to participate in sport, recreation, tourism, the arts and other social and cultural activities.
  5. Excellence in Advocacy & Rights Promotion Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in advocacy and promotion of the rights of people with disability, including helping people with disability speak up for themselves and their rights.
  6. Excellence in Improving Employment Opportunities Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in improving and providing quality employment outcomes for people with disability.
  7. Excellence in Improving Personal and Community Support Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in providing and/or improving personal and community support for people with disability, including helping people with disability be independent by providing more choice, information and control.
  8. Excellence in Improving Education Outcomes Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in improving education outcomes for people with disability of all ages, including helping people with disability to reach their full potential.
  9. Excellence in Improving Health Outcomes Award – Recognition of an individual or organisation that has made a significant contribution in improving health outcomes for people with disability, including giving people with disability more support to make informed choices about their healthcare.
  10. Yooralla Media Award for Excellence – Recognition of media coverage that accurately, positively and sensitively portrays the achievements of people with disability and the many issues they face.  Note: assessment for this Award is undertaken separately by Yooralla.

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